Announcing our Launch Event!
For immediate release:
Join us June 11 for a night of conversation, entertainment, and amazing coffee as we officially launch the Nuraga Bhumi Institute!
We are an Indigenous women-led organization that believes that the forest is our natural heritage, and so conservation is our birthright.
For too long, conservation spaces as defined by academic institutions and large, foreign-run organizations and institutions. Recently, one such organization, the WWF, issued an apology for its human rights abuses in the conservation space. For too long, conservation has been an extension of the international colonial project that seeks to occupy, extract, exploit, dominate and control. Indigenous people, who make up 5% of the Earth’s population, but whom steward 80% of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, have been displaced all over the world to make way for colonial versions of conservation.
At its core, however, conservation—or the protection of Mother Earth—is the birthright of all Indigenous peoples, and to those who feel called to remember their roles as human beings. We are here to be stewards, caretakers, and healers, not parasites who exploit and extract until there is nothing left. We are in a reciprocal relationship with our Mother the Earth, and therefore we have obligations to protect her.
Join us and be part of the movement!